Glitter Shaker ADD ON - Must Accompany Baggie Glitter Purchase
Want Your Glitter in a Shaker?
Simply add the color to your cart (1oz) bag or larger of glitter and then add the shaker, kindly leave us a comment in the check-out section to eliminate any confusion in the event that you have more bags of glitter than shakers purchased. Any extra glitter that will not fit in shaker will be sent in baggie if 2oz or 4oz is purchased.
4oz. Round Glitter Shaker with Black Top
The shaker will hold at least 2oz of fine and ultra-fine & 1oz chunky dependent on glitter mix/density.
- Opening Diameter: 1 1/4"
- Height with cap: 4.25"
- Cap:
- Height: 0.82"
- Diameter:
- Inside: 1.66"
- Holes: 1/8"
- Black lid holes are the Same as 4oz RED Lid
If you have any questions... please contact me by using the messaging app in the lower corner. I will get right back to you.